
miércoles, 30 de junio de 2021


En las últimas semanas de curso hemos programado diversas actividades para motivar la destreza de SPEAKING. De 1º a 6º de Primaria, el alumnado ha realizado diversas actividades: grabar vídeos de cocina (informando sobre los ingredientes de las recetas y los pasos a seguir), confeccionar marionetas y preparar escenas sencillas o preguntas para conocer mejor a nuestra mascota TIGER...

In the last weeks of the school year, some activities have been programmed to motivate SPEAKING skills. From 1st to 6th Primary they have carried out various activities such as recording videos while cooking and reporting on the ingredients of the recipes, they have made puppets and have prepared short scenes or questions to get to know our mascot TIGER better.

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